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  • Have a discussion & Read TOS before buying commission.​


  • The work assigned is only for use by the commissioner.

Resale, commercial distribution, modification, use of other parties, all without my permission is prohibited.


  • The commission progress or waiting list will be directly displayed in the trello. If you want to be anonymous before debut or publish, please contact me.


  • The commission results that have been completed will be directly displayed in the portfolio. If you don't want to be displayed before debut or publish, please contact me.


  • The commission will be immediately canceled either from the beginning or in the middle if it is found to have violated my TOS policy.​


  • Please Credit Me as KuroDz'Kai' and enter my youtube.

Art Parting Commission Information

  • I only accept PSD, PNG, Adobe Illustration format.


  • Send me the files for first check before purchase.
    What will I check?

    • The art can be cut or not.

    • What will I cut for detail/not

    • I will give u my proposal first


  • Also accepting Vtuber Live2D Model Parting
    (Read Vtuber Live2D Model Parting Additional Terms).


  • Not Receiving : Mecha, Detailed Furry Art, Pixelate Art, Hentai Art.


  • All prices are just for 1 art.


  • Character are separated with background Additional fees include if extra parting bg:
    Not Detailed Rp. 30000   | USD 10$
    Detailed       Rp. 100000 | USD  20$


  • If plagiarized art/AI art, bear the consequences yourself!
    Confirm first to the artist.


  • Important! Will confirm first what parts are can be cut.


  • Special Price only for MV Commission or Rigging with partners:


CANCNCN   : Cancan Commish

Takaki Naoki  :  Naoki Virtual Store

Azareel          : Azareel Commison


  • Minimal working time a week depend the difficulity.


  • By purchasing one of my services, you automatically accept my Terms of Service and are obligated to follow them.


  • After making a purchase, the buyer is required to pay in advance so that the work process can begin.


  • You can either pay half first or full payment.


  • Pay with tax if there is tax, example :

BRI to BCA there is tax Rp. 6500.

You must pay price plus the tax :)


  • Money Cannot Be Returned, If You Cancel after deal and already pay. So, read and think first


  • Money will be refunded full if I experience serious things such as Computer crash and data files are lost. I hope this is not happen.

Art Commission Information

  • Provide me references, please.


  • Confirm First, if you want to be parting for use.

     If not can get charged more!


  • All prices are just for 1 art.​​ Couple Art are charged an additional half of the original price.


  • Not Do : Mecha, Hentai Art, Pixelate Art.

    Do Too Beside Anime Art : Simple Furry Art, Gore Art, & Simple Armoured & Weaponed Art.


  • Reselling, modifying, and using one's own name as author without my permission is prohibited.


  • Commercial use will charged an additional fee of 2x the original prices.


  • Minimal working time a week depend the difficulity.

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